How to Use Amanita muscaria to Enhance Sleep?

Amanita muscaria – The Sleep Mushroom

Approximately 10-15% of US adults suffer from chronic insomnia. Sleeping pills are not a solution for chronic insomnia because you can’t keep taking them forever. But during the process of treating the root causes of insomnia, they can be useful to get some sleep every once in a while. In this article I’d like to share with you a natural, and I believe safer, alternative to the most commonly used sedative-hypnotics in the United States, such as the benzodiazepines and nonbenzodiazepine GABA agonists (zolpidem, zaleplon, and eszopiclone): Amanita muscaria (fly agaric mushroom).

Amanita muscaria is a powerful sedative. This Sleep Mushroom may be particularly beneficial for people with insomnia, to those who are hooked on sleeping pills, and to sufferers of anxiety, depression, or chronic pain.

How Sleeping Pills Work?

The most common sleeping pills work by affecting the “sleep receptor,” in the brain.

This receptor is normally only activated by an inhibitory neurotransmitter our body naturally produces: γ-aminobutyric acid, also known as GABA (the sleep neurotransmitter).

GABA produced in cells within our brains cause an inhibition by acting at GABAA receptors (GABAA-benzodiazepine receptor complex).

In people with insomnia, this doesn’t always work. They just can’t seem to make enough GABA to “turn on” sleep.

Could it be possible to activate the sleep receptor in a different way?

Can you just take a GABA supplement?

Unfortunately, using GABA as a nutritional supplement doesn’t work since GABA does not cross the blood-brain barrier, meaning it cannot get from your gut to the brain.

Sleeping pills, such as zolpidem, flurazepam, triazolam, eszopiclone, estazolam, temazepam, and zaleplon, exert their effects by binding to locations on the sleep receptor, indirectly activating it. However, because these don’t work exactly the same as GABA, they have various side effects.

Among zolpidem’s list of side effects for example you can find: headaches, clumsiness, unsteadiness, confusion, depression, difficulty with breathing, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, falling, fast heartbeat, hallucinations, irritability, and ironically… trouble sleeping.

If there was only a substance we could ingest that mimics GABA itself, and therefore most closely resemble natural sleep in their effect, drug companies could be raking millions selling the perfect sleep aid…

No need. Thankfully, Mother Nature already took care of that! It is called muscimol and it is present in the Amanita muscaria mushroom.

In fact, muscimol, a GABA reuptake inhibitor, was used in the development of a range of GABAergic agents including tiagabine (Gabitril), nipecotic acid, Gaboxadol, and 4-PIOL, which have analgesic, sedative, and anticonvulsant effects.

Effects of Muscimol

One of the active ingredients in this mushroom is called muscimol. It works in a very similar manner to the most commonly prescribed sleeping pills, benzodiazepines, but without the side effects.

In doses lower than 10-15 mg, muscimol is not hallucinogenic.

In low doses, the Fly Agaric mushroom tend to induce sedative, euphoric, and opium-like effects, conductive to relaxation and sleep.

Some people report that the mushroom healed their depression and anxiety. Listen to this testimonial for example:

Amanita muscaria can also help people who are addicted to benzodiazepine and other medications.

Here’s another testimonial from the same person, the “Amanita Dreamer.”

When taken before going to sleep, the Fly Agaric mushroom may not only induce sleepiness, but also initiate pleasurable, vivid, and sometimes lucid dreams, often involving flying.

How to Use Amanita muscaria to Enhance Sleep?

Based on reports, microdosing Amanita seems to be highly useful for improving sleep.

People report getting deeper and longer sleep consistently with zero side effects. One person summarized a month-long microdosing experiment: “I was finally able to stop taking Lunesta after being on it for a year.”

These stats exemplify sleep on a microdose of Amanita muscaria:

Fitbit Sleep Tracking - Amanita muscaria

As you can see, I had 24% deep sleep compared with usual 15%. 24% is remarkable. The normal benchmark range on the Fitbit app for deep sleep is 12-23%.

The wake time is also much lower (9% versus average 15%). Amanita contains mannitol and hence is slightly diuretic hence the awakenings, I will try to drink less water in the evening and believe sleep score will be even higher.

And sleep score that night… an amazing 92%!

One important thing to keep in mind with Amanita (as well as with sleeping pills), I noticed that if I took potion right before bed like at 22:30, better to take it at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Using Amanita muscaria in Daytime Naps

Based on experience, the mushroom may make it easier (and faster) to fall asleep and make sleep deeper even when taken before a daytime nap though the sleep may be light and feel as if one is awake the whole time (paradoxical insomnia).

How to Ingest Amanita muscaria?

As with many other powerful herbal remedies, you should be careful with the dosages.

For people who are looking to improve their sleep, microdosing is sufficient and there is no need to take large doses.

I recommend making a tea by simmering 15 grams of Amanita muscaria with acidic water. After 2-3 hours, strain, and drink with lemon juice. Not the whole thing! Just an eighth to a quarter of a teaspoon (or no more than 1-2 grams) of the resulting extract is the first dose. Then, if needed, increase the dose very gradually. For example, you may take a quarter teaspoon the first day, then a half of a teaspoon the next, a whole teaspoon the third day and so on and so forth until you find the dose that works best for you.

You may store the resulting potion in a sterile container and in the refrigerator for up to one week (or in the freezer for even longer).

Warning: When microdosed, Amanita muscaria does not seem to be dangerous, nor does it cause any significant side effects. However, in high doses, it may be poisonous and toxic. Do not combine this mushroom with alcohol or sleeping pills, including benzodiazepines or barbiturates. Actually, do not consume them at all before consulting with your physician, especially if you suffer from any health conditions or are taking medications.

The Rise of Fly Agaric Microdosing: An In-Depth Study of its Benefits

A researcher of macrodosing amanita

Microdosing, the practice of taking small dosages of psychedelic substances, has become increasingly popular in recent years. One of the most controversial and unusual substances that people have been microdosing with is fly agaric, a poisonous mushroom native to Russia. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at the benefits of microdosing with fly agaric and why this practice has gained popularity.

What is Fly Agaric Microdosing?

Fly agaric, also known as Amanita muscaria, is a type of mushroom that is commonly found in the forests of Russia. Historically, fly agaric has been used for various purposes, such as inducing spiritual visions, treating sore throat and arthritis, and more. In recent years, some people have started to use fly agaric for microdosing purposes, meaning they consume small amounts of the mushroom to experience its benefits without the hallucinations and other adverse effects that come with larger doses.

The Benefits of Fly Agaric Microdosing

The benefits of fly agaric microdosing are vast and varied, and they range from mental to physical benefits. Here are a few of the benefits that have been reported by those who have tried microdosing with fly agaric:

  • Calming effect and reduced stress and anxiety: One of the most commonly reported benefits of fly agaric microdosing is its calming effect, which can help lower levels of stress and anxiety [3].
  • Increased creativity and open-mindedness: Fly agaric microdosing has been shown to increase creativity and open-mindedness, making it an ideal choice for artists, writers, and other creative individuals [3].
  • Physical pain relief: In addition to its mental benefits, fly agaric microdosing has been used to treat physical pain, such as joint pain, arthritis, and more [3].
  • Improved focus and energy: One Reddit user reported that fly agaric microdosing provided a definite energy boost and improved focus, making them feel more awake and alert [2].

The Risks of Fly Agaric Microdosing

While there are many potential benefits of fly agaric microdosing, it is important to note that this practice is not without risks. Fly agaric is a highly poisonous mushroom, and consuming even small amounts of it can be dangerous. Some of the risks associated with fly agaric microdosing include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and even death in extreme cases. It is important to always consult with a doctor before trying any new substance, and fly agaric is no exception.


Fly agaric microdosing has become a popular practice among those looking for alternative ways to improve their mental and physical well-being. While there are many potential benefits to this practice, it is important to note that it is not without risks. As with any substance, it is important to consult with a doctor before trying fly agaric microdosing, and to proceed with caution. Whether you are looking for a way to reduce stress and anxiety, increase creativity and focus, amanita might help you. 

Microdosing Mushrooms: A New Trend Among IT Professionals

The concept of microdosing, or taking small amounts of a substance to improve mental and physical well-being, has been around for centuries. However, in recent years, it has gained widespread popularity among a specific group of individuals: IT professionals. From Silicon Valley tech workers to software developers, more and more tech-savvy individuals are turning to microdosing mushrooms as a way to improve their work performance, creativity, and overall well-being.

Influential figures in the tech industry, such as Tim Ferriss, have spoken publicly about the benefits of microdosing. In his book “The Four Hour Work Week,” Ferriss writes, “I’ve tried a number of substances for productivity, but I found that microdosing LSD or psilocybin mushrooms gave me the biggest boost.”

So, what exactly are the benefits of microdosing mushrooms for IT professionals? Here are a few:

– Increased focus and productivity: Microdosing can help IT professionals stay focused and productive for longer periods of time. This can be especially beneficial for those working on complex projects or trying to meet tight deadlines.

– Improved creativity: Many IT professionals report that microdosing mushrooms helps them come up with new and innovative ideas. This can be a huge asset in a fast-paced industry that values out-of-the-box thinking.

– Reduced stress levels: IT professionals often work long hours and face high levels of stress. Microdosing mushrooms has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, allowing individuals to approach their work with a clearer mind.

However, it’s important to note that there are also potential downsides to microdosing mushrooms. For example, it can be difficult to control the dose and effects, and some individuals may experience negative side effects, such as anxiety or paranoia.

Despite these potential drawbacks, the popularity of microdosing mushrooms among IT professionals shows no signs of slowing down. As more and more people discover the benefits of this ancient kingdom, it’s possible that we will continue to see a rise in the use of microdosing mushrooms for improved mental and physical well-being.

In conclusion, the popularity of microdosing mushrooms among IT professionals is a testament to the power of this ancient kingdom to bring hope and well-being to the human kind. While there are still many questions to be answered about the long-term effects of microdosing, it’s clear that this trend is here to stay. Whether you’re an IT professional looking to improve your work performance, or simply someone curious about the effects of microdosing, the benefits of this ancient kingdom are worth exploring.

Unlock the Benefits of Fly Agaric Microdosing with Capsules

Red Fly Agaric Capsules for MicrodosingMicrodosing has become a popular trend among alternative medicine and holistic health enthusiasts, and for good reason. The practice of taking small amounts of psychedelics has been shown to have numerous benefits, including increased creativity, better mood, and improved focus.

Fly agaric, also known as Amanita muscaria, is a species of mushroom that has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine. Today, fly agaric is gaining popularity as a microdosing tool, with many people turning to fly agaric capsules to get the benefits of this powerful mushroom.

Here are five advantages of fly agaric capsules for those who are just beginning their microdosing journey:

  1. Convenient and easy to use – Fly agaric capsules are a convenient and easy way to microdose, allowing you to take small amounts of the mushroom without having to worry about preparation or dosage.
  2. Consistent dosing – Capsules ensure a consistent dose every time, so you can be sure that you are getting the same amount of fly agaric every time you take them.
  3. Safety – Fly agaric capsules are processed in a laboratory, ensuring that they are free of contaminants and other harmful substances.
  4. Cost-effective – Capsules are more cost-effective than buying fresh mushrooms, and they are also more convenient and easier to store.
  5. Scientifically backed – Numerous scientific studies have been conducted on fly agaric, with many of these studies supporting its use for microdosing.

Famous influencers in the field of alternative health and medicine have also been promoting the benefits of fly agaric microdosing, including Joe Rogan, Tim Ferris, and Dr. Michael Pollan. You can learn more about these influencers and their work by visiting their websites.

If you are interested in trying fly agaric microdosing, consider buying fly agaric capsules. These capsules are a convenient and cost-effective way to get the benefits of this powerful mushroom. With the right dose and a consistent regimen, you too can experience the benefits of fly agaric microdosing.

When buying fly agaric capsules, look for red fly agaric capsules, as these are the most potent form of the mushroom. With the right microdosing routine and the right dosage, you too can unlock the benefits of fly agaric microdosing. So why wait? Buy fly agaric capsules today and begin your microdosing journey!

Is Microdosing with Fly Agaric Legal in Canada?

 photo-man-with-amanitasLegality of Fly Agaric

According to Health Canada Fly Agaric is considered as NHP (Natural Health Product).

Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) is a type of mushroom that is sometimes used for microdosing. Since fly agaric is a naturally occurring substance, it is not currently illegal in Canada. However, it is important to note that fly agaric can be dangerous if consumed in large quantities, so it is always best to consult a medical professional before microdosing with fly agaric.

Legality of microdosing

The legality of microdosing in Canada is a complex issue. Currently, there is no federal law in Canada that specifically governs microdosing. That said, microdosing is illegal if it involves controlled substances or drugs that are illegal in Canada, such as marijuana or LSD. Additionally, microdosing can be considered illegal if it is used for medical purposes without a prescription. In certain provinces, medical marijuana is legal, but it is still illegal to microdose without a prescription.


In summary, the legality of microdosing in Canada depends on the type of drug being used and the purpose for which it is being used.


Welcome to our online Fly Agaric Microdosing store and Information portal! Here you can buy high quality (Grade A+) dried Fly Agaric (Amanita Muscaria) mushrooms and various products for microdosing. Please scroll through product list to make your choice. You can search our articles to learn more about this wonderful mushrooms.