Dry Fly Agaric Powder

(2 customer reviews)


Dry Fly Agaric Powder 30 gr



Dry Fly Agaric Powder 30 gr

2 reviews for Dry Fly Agaric Powder

  1. Alex Semenov (verified owner)

    Wonderful product. I have ordered each of the product out of curiosity. I was skeptical at first, but was surprised with the quality of the product. I have long history of use and can estimate quality by effect. Works as a charm, no side effects, palatable taste, no nausea. Cured very well. Can be used as a spice in “special” treat preparations 🙂 Personally I love one mixed with the dark chocolate to create a chocolate bar yum… And yes forgot to mention that this site uses internal wallet system which I can charge and do purchases out of that wallet. Cool idea gives me ability to be independent from other processors with their limitations and make my order directly the fastest way possible. Good for returning customers I guess. Personally I like this option. Enjoy.

  2. Jameka Crayton (verified owner)

    I do not recommend this product. Came in a sandwich baggy inside of a slightly larger ziploc food storage bag. Felt like something I bought off the streets. Product seems old, expired. I’m not even sure if it’s actually dried amanita or not. Took 2 weeks to arrive. There is no customer service. I could only contact them via email and 5+ emails went unanswered. Then this sandwich baggy of inert dust appeared in my mailbox. Waste of money and time.

    • admin

      Hi Jameka,
      Sorry about it. Looks like you did not received my initial email.
      It is real amanita collected in this year. I did not have original bag at this time – therefore I sent you 33% more in weight to compensate. And since it was international delivery (from Canada) it takes 2 week. Express delivery costs about 12USD.


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